# Authorization

All Spike API queries are authorized using a JWT (opens new window) bearer tokens.

Never share your tokens with anyone. Anyone in possession of your token can make queries to the Spike API and this will be billed to your account.

# How to obtain a token

When you sign up (opens new window) to Spike you are allocated an API token. See the Manage API Tokens guide in order to create additional tokens or delete existing tokens.

# How to use your token

You include your token in the HTTP Authorization header of every request e.g.

TOKEN=#paste your token here
curl -X POST https://api.spikedata.co.za/pdf \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  --data @$DATAFILE -sD -
Updated: 6/10/2022, 2:08:15 PM