# Libraries

This page provides a list of programming language libraries which help you to access the Spike API.

This documentation forms part of the suite of technical resources which we provide in order to help developers make use of the Spike API.

Using our libraries is entirely optional - you're free to use any request library (e.g. axios, request, node-fetch) that you like and manually construct the request payload yourself.

language library
javascript/tyepscript https://www.npmjs.com/package/@spike/api-statements (opens new window)

# @spike/api-statements

@spike/api-statements (opens new window) includes typescript type definitions and is isomorphic[1]. The library provides a great development experience - including intellisense and typechecking for your code.

Versioning strategy

  • when a new version is ready for release:
    • we will bump the version number and create a new endpoint e.g. /pdf2.
    • we will still maintain any old endpoints i.e. /pdf1.
    • this gives you an opportunity to upgrade at your leisure

The npm library includes pre-canned example inputs and response for all possible API response types

  • this provides you with an easy way to mock our API during development
  • and to check that your code handles all possible responses
  • see here (opens new window) for some code which uses the pre-canned examples

  1. aka "universal" i.e. usable in both frontend (browser) and backend (node.js) code ↩︎

Updated: 8/2/2022, 4:14:37 PM