This page provides a list of the most frequently occurring questions which our clients have about statement processing.

# What are FNB Verified Statements?

What FNB means by "verified" is that they retain a copy of any verified statement that they generate so that anyone in possession of the verified statement can download this "original" directly from FNB using the Reference number in the verified pdf.

Unfortunately this is not a very practical service - because in order to check whether the copy that you have received is original you would have to manually compare the pdf that you downloaded from FNB's verification service against the one which the user sent - which would require a lot of time and effort.

Alternatively you could just use the FNB downloaded copy and ignore the one which you receive, but this is still a cumbersome route to acquire the file - the site frequently does not work, you also need the user's ID number, and the original is only retained for a month.

The FNB Verified Statements tool is available here (opens new window) and looks like this:

Updated: 7/21/2021, 9:29:43 AM