# Monitored inbox

Many users receive monthly statements by email from their banks. When asked to acquire 90 days statements they open their email program and find the latest 3 statements which they've received from their bank. In order to submit these pdfs via a statement uploader they would first need to save the pdf onto their machine and then upload then drag and drop them onto the statement uploader. To make this simpler we allow users to simply forward the bank emails to our monitored email inbox. The statements will automatically be extracted from the email and added to their pending loan application process. This is especially useful for users whom are completing a loan application on a smart phone because it is very tricky to save files locally from email and then find them again.

Another use for this capability is in order to automatically receive monthly statements for a users account, by registering our automated inbox account as a secondary email address for the account directly on the user's bank website.

Contact us if you are interested in customizing this app for your use.

Updated: 7/21/2021, 9:29:43 AM